The Kee to Coaching: What I Learned in 2016
As we enter this last day of the year 2016, I find myself reflecting on all that has occurred over the last calendar year. These past 365 days have been a huge time of growth and maturation for me. I turned 26 this year, entered my sixth season coaching college basketball, and entered my fourth year living in upstate New York. Due to many factors, 2016 was a very difficult year, but I'm fortunate to still be here and still thriving! I have a list of 5 things that I learned this year. Each one has helped me tremendously in my growth as a man.
1. Don't Mistake Activity for Achievement
- As a young professional, it is so easy to get caught up in work. In my life basketball is the most important thing to me, behind my faith in God and my family. I want to be very successful, but I constantly evaluate whether I'm working smart, or if I'm just working hard. The willingness to work hard each and every day is extremely important, but you are wasting precious time if you are just working to keep yourself busy. This past year, I have worked to improve my time management skills. I feel that I have gotten better at planning out each day, and to making sure that I am accomplishing all tasks in the most efficient and productive manner.
2. Find What Makes You Happy
- Life can be stressful. No matter who you are or what you do for a living, you will face some challenges in life. This past year, I wrote down a list of 10 activities that make me happy. The activities range from reading, to playing video games, to watching Netflix. I try to get to about 4 of them each day. It really helps me recharge and de-stress after a long day. It also allows me to be a bit more well-rounded and gives me something to talk about with kids and parents, other than just basketball.
3. Try New Things
- For me, the best part about living in upstate New York is that it is completely different from home. I currently live in a small town with about 5,000 residents. I am from the Washington DC area, and I may have taken for granted all of the activities that go on in a major city. Being in a small town, I've had to get creative and come up with new hobbies. It has been great and definitely a tremendous learning opportunity for me! I went water tubbing for the first time this Summer, I learned how to cook and have developed that as a new hobby, I have greatly increased my knowledge of wine and craft beers, and I even went for a hike for the first time. These are all activities that I probably would have never done or taken part in, but thanks to a great set of friends and co-workers, I have experienced new adventures.
4. Try Not to Stress About Money
- I might possibly be the most frugal person on the planet. I truly hate spending money and always have. I've tried not to stress about money as much this year and it has helped me in so many ways. I took a cooking class this Fall that was somewhat pricey. In the past, I never would have spent that much money on something like that, but it opened me up to a whole new hobby and has helped me eat healthier haha. It's great to save money and to be mindful on what your spending, but your 20's go by fast and you don't want to miss out on opportunities that you might never get back.
5. Take Time to Reflect Each Day
- To be honest, it is 2:20 in the morning, and this is the time that I have chosen to write this post. I was in thought and felt inspired to write one last blog post. Many of my best thoughts have come while driving to a recruiting destination or while laying in bed at night. This time alone and away from my phone is very helpful in reflecting on my religion and my goals in life. It gives me a chance to be honest with myself and find ways for improvement. Taking this time in thought has been great for my growth throughout 2016 and I look forward to soaring to new heights in 2017!